Online Professional Trainings in Biography

The Basic Program Biographical Coaching (BPBC)


The Basic Program Biographical Coaching (BPBC), is designed for those who want to learn to accompany others.


Biographical Coaching helps people to gain deeper self-knowledge, and find meaning and direction in their lives.


The training program of the BPBC mediates, therefore:
• A body of knowledge of biographical development
• A spiritual point of view on human life
• Practice the art of conversation and developing the appropriate attitude
• Practical use of (artistic) tools and instruments



Further Studies for Professionals


We offer you our module in the four-field methodology.

You’ll learn to accompany a client in six biographical conversations to find the answers to their life questions and express this in their biographical blueprint.

You can apply this in either your personal or professional life

Brochure Module Biographical Blueprint


START October 5t 2024 14-17 hours CET


Make Biograpy your proffession: Open a window of light, plant a seed of love


The BPBC ONLINE is an online learning environment where Biographywork and the Art of Conversation is offered and practiced. 
You will work on a regular basis with a fixed group of students. Researching your own Biography will go hand in hand with the practice of helping others to find the Biography in their Life. That is: learn to assist people in an Essential Biographical Inquiry (EBI).

BPBC ONLINE has 6 MODULES. Each Module has a focus on a specific element of the Body of Knowledge of Biography, which is also an instrument for an Essential Biographical Inquiry (EBI).





22 March 2025


15 - 18.00 CET


Vera G. Klein, Josien de Vries, Tutors: Sanna Dia, Astrid Breg



€600,00 25